Monday, July 13, 2015

I Might Have Messed up

Lately, desperation has just engulfed me. I'm so done twiddling with my thumbs in an empty house, I talked to my dad three days ago, and he said he needed $250 for the part to my red car and because the money for the Acura still hasn't come in. I went ahead and gave him the money. I did however go with him to get the part, so I know he has the part. However, when we got there, he swiped his card and pocketed my $250 and right then I knew I made a mistake...

Dad told me the part cost $250, but when we got there, they had done more work and upped the price to $329. I was texting Tyler about the part costing more than we expected, but didn't respond for awhile because Dad and I had gone to breakfast. 4 missed calls and 6 text messages later, he wasn't too happy with me.

Mom freaked out saying Sean had the money, when he didn't have the money. But she wasn't really thrilled about me giving dad the money.

Before I left work, I asked dad if he could pick me up at 11. I called him at 10:45, he didn't answer! So if Tyler didn't get off when he did, and mom didn't text me, I would have had to walk home.

Results: I'm out $250 and my car still isn't getting worked on, and dad's not willing to hand over the title to Sean so I'm not getting my $250, and my rage is increasing by the millisecond! Awesome!

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