Sunday, July 26, 2015

Day One to Day Four

For only being four days in, this apartment is really starting to feel like home. Paul's mom, Shelley took Nicole and I shopping for the kitchen and my kitchen (minus food), is complete. We went to the Goodwill and just had a blast!

I now have baking pans, cookie sheets, mixing bowls, spatulas, trashcans for all three rooms, a dirty clothes basket, a noodle strainer, salt and pepper shakers, a small hanging mirror, shelves, everything! for $105! Saturday was Goodwill's "whole store 1/2 price day" so on top of the mega thrift shopping, our thrifting was half off! BOO YA!

My dad has come around on the whole moving out ordeal. I can tell he's still not comfortable with it and I completely understand, but I think he's relieved at the same time. This area is a pretty decent area, everybody keeps to themselves, and it is pretty locked up. I have three different keys, not including the mailbox key, locked up. Anyway, he did hook us up big time. We do have a couple necessities because of him, and I'm incredibly grateful.

I feel like a rant too much so here's some pics.....

Living Room and Kitchen: Mission Accomplished!

Ghetto Living

The major stressful part is over! Tyler, my mom and I all signed the papers Thursday, and the rest happened so quickly! We went to see the landlord at noon and was there for forty five minutes going over everything and signing the papers. Nicole and Tyler lit up light like Christmas trees. I'm pretty excited but it's more for the DIY's, the no dad, and just being in a quiet environment.

I don't think I've mentioned these apartments, but it's right next to my favorite park where Tyler and I have so many memories and it's literally right across the street from work! I also love the fact that it's closer to my dog :3. It's a one bedroom apartment and it's tiny (well I guess average size) I think it's only 524 square feet. So my Moroccan style bedroom is going to have to wait, but I still have some ideas I can try. Oh! It has air condition but we don't want to go overboard so we have our floor fan. Last night, we had the air condition run for an hour tops and I got cold sitting on the living room floor, but we went into the bedroom and it was untouched! so I tried setting the fan next to the air condition blowing towards the bedroom. Yeah, it didn't work too well, so we had the window open last night with the floor fan on.

Yesterday was so exhausting! But, I had no idea the family dollar could be so much fun! We went to go get shower curtain hangers (at eight last night), and we had to be in there for at least 45 minutes. I didn't know this but they have towels, bathroom sets, cute little trashcans, soap dispensers and despite the really crappy quality, everything was so cute! I also noticed it might become my new King Soopers for a while. I mean Poptarts for $2, I think so! They had name brand toothpaste and deodorant for at least $2 - $3 cheaper than even Kings.

We also went to Savers, and if you can stomach the smell, I would highly suggest it. The furniture over there is really nice believe it or not, and uber cheap! Mom and I could only handle it for 15 minutes before we had to go get fresh air, but I was pretty impressed with Savers.

Oh, last stop at 9:30, was Kmart! I could've spent a lot of time there! They had comforters, pillows (lots of pillows!), couches, bean bags, everything! If I wasn't so exhausted from packing and unpacking, and the store didn't close in half an hour, I would've been in there a lot longer than I was.

I always knew that home decor shopping was going to be a blast for me, and I'm trying so hard to behave but it is taking every last ounce of my self control to not go overboard! I love it so much!

So as of day one for furniture, we have a half deflated air mattress, a camping chair, a $30 TV stand from the family dollar (that so far is holding up really well), and my 19" monitor, and that's it haha! I don' t mind it, it's how it's supposed to be, it's supposed to be brutally cheap in the beginning because then it only gets better. I get to start my lifetime goal of turning a living space into a home, and I cannot wait!

In terms of dishes; Tyler's friend's mom, (practically Tyler's mom, and as now claimed me as well), gave us really nice stone dishware set, it's really pretty too but so fragile! And because we haven't gotten silverware, so Tyler bought that party size set of knives, spoons, and forks, which for whatever reason cracks me up!

And for food, we are now officially on a poor mans diet, we have filled up an entire shelf of Top Ramen, and the shelf above that starts our collection of Rice O Roni, and boxed noodles!

Monday, July 13, 2015

***My Rambling

Being this whole project is more of a therapeutic exercise more than anything, I've got to get my feelings out. It's slightly negative so viewer discretion is advised

I know a lot of people won't believe me when I say, I've got my emotions under control for the most part. There are times I slip but for the most part I believe that my emotions are my problem, and nobody else is to blame for my emotional roller coaster. Lately though, I've been slipping.... a lot.

This whole ordeal with my dad has got me locked in an emotional tidal wave. I think that maybe if I'm nice and I behave, he'll fix my car. Maybe if I don't talk to him he'll fix it, maybe if I talk to him, he'll work on it. Nothing seems to work!! Either way my car is not being fixed. The idea that he owes me over $600 and that I could have payed for a whole car between the money in savings and the money I gave him, or even be in an apartment right now, disgusts me.

I've tried and tried to give my dad the benefit of the doubt for years! "He didn't have a dad growing up," "He's a single father, cut  him some slack," "He works a lot, he deserves a drink every now and again." But now I have nothing, my reason for his lack of sense is from the 40 something years of drinking (ironic, huh?).

I don't know when I'm going to realize I'm fighting a losing battle. He has lied to make himself look better. He's lied to make me look worse. He's lied to justify his behavior. It's amazing to see how much a liar gets our of a situation. He's got $250, two car titles he shouldn't have, and buddy's to get him out of the house everyday so he doesn't have to work on the car.... AMAZING!

Me on the other hand, I'm told that I'm the bigger person, and that I should just keep doing what I'm doing and "keep your head up high," "things will get better." So far things are not getting better, on the contrary believe it or not. I'm getting screwed over.

I haven't seen my mom and days, but lately she's been asking how the apartment thing has been going. I know she understands and supports the whole apartment thing, (not so much moving in with Tyler) but if it means I get out of the house she knows. But it's frustrating to me that she's nowhere around for days close to weeks and then she pokes her head in and cares and then takes off again.

Another thing, she was so against Tyler moving in because the example it would set for Nicole....Nicole came to me this morning telling me that Tom had slept downstairs last night...... Really?

I'm scared out of my wits about moving out, but I look at this house and just see walls, a roof, and a couple beds. Obviously, I have some incredible memories with my sister here, but for the most part it just seems like when the four of us are here, it's just shallow and an empty feelings.

I Might Have Messed up

Lately, desperation has just engulfed me. I'm so done twiddling with my thumbs in an empty house, I talked to my dad three days ago, and he said he needed $250 for the part to my red car and because the money for the Acura still hasn't come in. I went ahead and gave him the money. I did however go with him to get the part, so I know he has the part. However, when we got there, he swiped his card and pocketed my $250 and right then I knew I made a mistake...

Dad told me the part cost $250, but when we got there, they had done more work and upped the price to $329. I was texting Tyler about the part costing more than we expected, but didn't respond for awhile because Dad and I had gone to breakfast. 4 missed calls and 6 text messages later, he wasn't too happy with me.

Mom freaked out saying Sean had the money, when he didn't have the money. But she wasn't really thrilled about me giving dad the money.

Before I left work, I asked dad if he could pick me up at 11. I called him at 10:45, he didn't answer! So if Tyler didn't get off when he did, and mom didn't text me, I would have had to walk home.

Results: I'm out $250 and my car still isn't getting worked on, and dad's not willing to hand over the title to Sean so I'm not getting my $250, and my rage is increasing by the millisecond! Awesome!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Past Couple Days

So, instead of stressing and rambling on here, I figured I'd wait until things started happening. And I know this isn't huge significance but I finally got some girl time with my best friend since middle school for the first time in close to three months. We had our traditional sleepover: lots of junk food, red box movies, and a lot of hours catching up. It was so past needed for the both of us!

 The fourth of July went okay, Nicole and I went with my dad to his friends house where we saw fireworks like hundreds of yards from where they launched them over in Sweet Sugar Park or something like that. IT WAS AMAZING! One thing about me: I love fireworks with ALL my heart!! Any holiday having to do with fireworks is my absolute favorite. And these ones lit up the sky! I met the cutest, most annoying four year old, and we played "bubble gum, bubble gum," (which I didn't know was still a thing), and that frog hand game, that we use to play as a school when it was an inside recess. Once the finale ended, Nicole and I drove from C-470 and Yosemite (which is way east) all the way to C-470 and Kipling (which is way west) to go see Tyler for a bit after work and try to get glimpses of fireworks in his area; then all the way back to Highlands Ranch Pkwy and Wildcat Reserve (East again) to pick up mom from work, then back at home right in the middle. It was a long night, but so worth it.

Tyler went to court on the 6th and after all the stress, he only came out needing to pay a $500 fine and have proof of insurance by the next court day August 6th. He's happy. I'm happy. We're good there.

We went apartment shopping yesterday after work, and the place we went to for a showing went fairly well. The guy who scheduled the showing wasn't there, so we just roamed around the place until we found two guys with their window open that were more than happy to show us around. The apartment itself is tiny but compared to the rest, I see potential!

And just because it was mentioned before, it's said that the part for my car is in the shop today but dad doesn't have the money from the Acura to fix it... I'm just not going to elaborate on that.

All in all it's been a pretty good week, the second job is looking promising, my job is slightly up in the air, but time will tell.... something good will happen.