Monday, June 29, 2015


I'm so grateful for my sister, and my cousin. And yes I did say cousin, but he's practically like a brother.

Today wasn't so bad. I was with people all day and kept busy so, all in all, things went pretty well. My sister and I got crafty, she busted out the canvases, acrylics, paint brushes; and I brought out my drawing book, which I haven't done in a while. She ended up finger painting a canvas different colors between tape. It looks pretty cool.

For me I've been on a zodiac kick for the past two weeks, and so i drew a bunch of Aries symbols. Call me a hippi for believing in the stuff, but it's so accurate. I take a lot of pride in being an Aries. The only other Aries I know is my mom, and when we get along, we're the best of friends, we think exactly alike, same energetic, adventurous, the whole shabang! Lately, I haven't been acting like a true Aries with everything going on but it was nice to reread over the characteristics and remember the ball of energy I should be.

That started off the day, then mom finally came home and the three of us got our hair cut, which is always an amazing feeling. I drove to work, and worked and I noticed that my cousin had called. So on my lunch break I called him back and he's known about what's been going on, so he knew I was bummed but he didn't know the updated version, and he mentioned an alternative....

Moving down to Slidell, Louisiana

At first I was wondering if he had lost his mind, but then I got to thinking it might not be a horrible idea. That kind of atmosphere with my real family would make me feel a trillion times better. The food is a lot heavier down there, but the mood is a lot lighter than here. And he did have a good point when he said, I nor Tyler have a very good foundation up here.

I have a very open mind about it because it's my family were talking here, and I'm always down for some sort of foundation....I don't know, this gives me one more thing to think about... i don't know, if it does end up happening it could be a turning point for the better. I know something will work out.

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