Monday, June 29, 2015


I'm so grateful for my sister, and my cousin. And yes I did say cousin, but he's practically like a brother.

Today wasn't so bad. I was with people all day and kept busy so, all in all, things went pretty well. My sister and I got crafty, she busted out the canvases, acrylics, paint brushes; and I brought out my drawing book, which I haven't done in a while. She ended up finger painting a canvas different colors between tape. It looks pretty cool.

For me I've been on a zodiac kick for the past two weeks, and so i drew a bunch of Aries symbols. Call me a hippi for believing in the stuff, but it's so accurate. I take a lot of pride in being an Aries. The only other Aries I know is my mom, and when we get along, we're the best of friends, we think exactly alike, same energetic, adventurous, the whole shabang! Lately, I haven't been acting like a true Aries with everything going on but it was nice to reread over the characteristics and remember the ball of energy I should be.

That started off the day, then mom finally came home and the three of us got our hair cut, which is always an amazing feeling. I drove to work, and worked and I noticed that my cousin had called. So on my lunch break I called him back and he's known about what's been going on, so he knew I was bummed but he didn't know the updated version, and he mentioned an alternative....

Moving down to Slidell, Louisiana

At first I was wondering if he had lost his mind, but then I got to thinking it might not be a horrible idea. That kind of atmosphere with my real family would make me feel a trillion times better. The food is a lot heavier down there, but the mood is a lot lighter than here. And he did have a good point when he said, I nor Tyler have a very good foundation up here.

I have a very open mind about it because it's my family were talking here, and I'm always down for some sort of foundation....I don't know, this gives me one more thing to think about... i don't know, if it does end up happening it could be a turning point for the better. I know something will work out.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 28

I'm freaking out! I feel like I've hit rock bottom with this stuff and I shouldn't even be the one feeling unmotivated. Tyler is the one that's about to lose everything: the roof over his head, which could slowly cause the loss of his job, and in the next couple of days he goes to court to find out how long he loses his licence for.

How did all this happen? Just an unfortunate soul who couldn't choose his family.

What can I do? That's the question I keep asking myself. I've tried talking my parents into letting him stay at my house, and when I was living with him for two months it was: "We might be able to do that," "that kind of environment will make anyone want to kill themselves." But now that I've been back home for a month the response I got was "Well we don't want to set the example to your sister that it's okay for boyfriends to move in!" I'm sorry "What?!" I understand my sister is thirteen, and I completely understand the whole "setting a bad example" but he does work a FULL TIME JOB, working DOUBLE SHIFTS, he gets two days off a week and I'm sorry were both young and adventurous the last thing we're going to do is stay at home on our days off! Plus! Its only for a month! Four weeks! By that time we'll have enough money to move out into our own apartment.

I don't know, parents out there, if you're reading this, give me honest feedback! I love feedback!

So, he talked to his friend, which is where he's staying at now, and he bought himself a little more time under their roof and permission to drive their car to work. What's the catch? It's a thirty minute drive....think about it....

Why don't I drive him you ask? I haven't had a car since February of this year. My dad isn't the most book smart, but he is street smart and he knows people, which is how he got me the car in the first place. And last summer I put that car to good use. I went everywhere, I wanted to explore and that's just what I did. Around winter last year, my car kept overheating, I had to quit using the heater which didn't work anyway and I wasn't able to use the defroster. So I was driving around with completely frosted mirrors and no heat. I told my dad about it, and he told me that when the weather warmed up and he had time he would take it to his buddy's shop and they'd get it fixed, batta bing batta boom! I waited three weeks... he didn't touch it!

My mom (also very street smart) knows a Acura/Honda mechanic....he can only receive text messages when there's wi-fi, and he lives in the ghetto and lives off of street money. Awesome, right? So it took about another two weeks to get him down to look at it, and he fixed it! He looked at it, and said that there was anti freeze leaking into the carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide leaking into my gas (or something along those lines), and something was wrong with the cooling system. Long story short, there was a huge checklist I would have to go through before I got behind the wheel.

At the time I didn't care, the first thing I did was drive to Tyler's apartment complex, parked in visitor parking, and ran in. A couple hours later, we decided to go get food; so we got in my car, I went to go pull out, and sure enough the right side of my bumper tore off!! Five months of critical driving, I get it fixed, and my bumper falls off.... I was going to bust into tears!

Anyway, Since then I've been promised that two of the seven cars sitting outside my house would be fixed and up and running for me, and yet, neither one have been moved let alone touched. This is going on month nine now that I've been told a car will be fixed, and hasn't. So cars out of the picture....

Apartments: did you know Colorado's renting prices have reached the rental prices in California? It should also be in statistics that living on minimum wage is damn near close to impossible! Everything is SO expensive! If I can find one for $700, it has bugs; if I find one that reasonably close to where we work, its $850, if I find one that's in price range, its 12.0 miles away. I never thought finding an apartment would make me want to rip out my hair! We're down to three complexes that are near by, and one of them is a little out of budget, and the other two are in questionable neighborhoods.

But these are our last resorts, we just found these places and of course it's the weekend so the offices are closed! So tomorrow is a big day! If this doesn't work, things are going to go south, quick!

Oh! There is also one last option, mom has a friend who lives in Englewood, he needs help with rent, Tyler needs a place to stay temporarily, it sounds doable. As for transportation, I think mom said he lives near a bus or light rail that will take him straight to work, and these run until three in the morning.

Please, Please, Please! Cross your fingers, toes, arms, eyeballs, anything you can and hope for the best! I'll probably have updates soon!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Where do I start?

I feel like any typical blog should start with an introduction, and maybe I'll get around to it, but I'm in the middle of everything, and starting a blog in the middle everything, I think should put the introduction on halt.

But I will say this, I'm just starting out in the world: I come from a blue collar family, I work a full time job, I'm starting college soon (only due to the fact that I won scholarships to get me started), I'm forced to move into a cheap apartment if I want to stay with my boyfriend, and I'm slowly losing my mind. Oh yeah! I haven't had a car for the last four months either! (What a start!)

For the most part I try and do succeed in staying happy. I work a lot! But I love my job, and I love the people I work with (most anyway). A few girls that I found there are just like me, except a little worse off; which is why I try not whine too much. But they tell their stories and crave listening to them. My boyfriend and I have just passed our year mark and holy hell has it been a year! He and I both were convinced love didn't exist until somehow we broke each others walls got lost in each others hearts. I don't get to see him but once a week, maybe, but the little time we do spend together, I fall in love with him all over again. I do have a younger sister who craves my attention! I love her to death. Although it is a little tricky right now beings I'm entering young adult stage while she's entering teenage girl stage (I still can't believe it)! And what do I do? In the little time that I do have to myself I like to relax and keep quiet.

I'm always on Pinterest, and
I see blog after blog after blog, and I love them, but there's no blog that really talks about starting off life, so I figured I would take all this noise in my head and put them in words to help keep my sanity and hopefully help out kids and young adolescents just as lost as I am.

I guess this did turn out to be a bit of an introduction, but I'm sure more about me will slip out in the near future.